Become a Pilot Faster

Become a pilot faster! Get your Initial Commercial Ratings at PEA completed in 42% of the time (58% fewer hours) than other schools and the industry standard!

PEA is uniquely approved by the FAA under FAR Part 141.55(e) to complete the Initial Commercial Pilot License (Single-Engine or Multi-Engine) in 50 hours, compared to nearly all other FAA Part 141 Flight Schools requirements of 120 hoursPEA offers two pathways to accomplish this.

Single-Commercial Initial

141-311 CPSETC – Commercial Pilot Single-Engine Training Course. This course can be completed in only 50 flight hours. Pilots that choose this route usually continue on to the 141-421 AARMELI Multi-Commercial Add-On (self-examining) course (15 hours flight), and end up earning both Commercial Pilot Licenses in 65 hours.

Multi-Commercial Initial

141-421 AAR MELI (self-examining) – Additional Aircraft Rating Multi-Engine Land Instrument, or Multi-Private Course, followed by our 141-341 CPMETC – Commercial Pilot Multi-Engine Training Course. The Multi-Commercial Initial Course is only 35 flight hours. However, to be eligible to take this course, pilots must have completed our 15 flight hour Multi-Private course as a pre-requisite. The major benefit to this route is the pilot earns additional Multi-Engine experience, and during the entire Commercial portion of the training, the Pilot is earning Mutli-Engine PIC time. Pilots that choose this route usually continue on to a short Single-Commercial Add-On course and end up earning both Commercial Pilot Licenses in approximately the same 65 hours.

Prerequisite: Private License and Instrument Rating

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Professional Program III: 139Hrs

This program is similar to the Professional Program I, but focuses more on multiengine training and includes 55 hours on the DA42 Solo. It also includes the Multi-Engine Instructor Certificate. Most single-engine time is replaced with advanced multi-engine instructions

Prerequisite: Private Pilot Certificate

Total Lab Hours: 139

Total Lecture Hours: 342

Total Clock Hours: 481

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If you’re unsure about any aspect of the application process or have any questions give our team a call on 386-258-0703 or +1-386-258-0703, we’re happy to answer any questions you might have.

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